Merida Summer Monkeys - Frith Hill 14th June

The course was excellent, given the very last minute change of venue and we had some amazing results. Here is Ben Connors take on the race:-

 After racing for 6 hours 41 minutes, completing 10 circuits of Frith Hill, I could probably ride the lap blindfold. Not that I could even consider contorting my aching limbs back onto a bike for at least a day or two!
The course was an absolute belter, 6 miles of constantly twisting and turning woodland trails. There was no rest bite and it was extremely challenging to find anywhere to take on a drink or a gel.

Off the start I tried to go with the front group, but became detached when the rider ahead of me went over the bars, blocking the path! Leading the chasing pack I took a wrong turn at the end of a fast decent, costing myself (and those silly enough to follow) 20-30 seconds. I crossed the line after 38 minutes in 8th place. Only 6 hours to go!
Apart from passing the backmarkers from the 2 hour race I spent much of the race riding alone. I crept up and slipped past 7th place at the end of lap 4 and moved into 6th on lap 7. The 4 hour leaders caught me later in the day, but despite my lap times dropping to 40 minutes I started re-passing them as the sun came out towards the finish.
I pushed hard to complete my 9th lap before the 6 hour cut-off, and then cruised round the final circuit knowing there was nobody chasing from behind, in the hope that I might gain a position.

It was nice to be racing again after a month off, and catch up with all the regulars. 60 miles of fun off-road riding and a top 10 result is always nice too!

Ladies Vets 6hr  - 1st Emma Craddock, Male 6hr - 6th Ben Conner, Male 4hr - 4th Marc Clothier, Ladies 4hr - 4th Olive O,Leary  Male Grand Vets 3hrs - 2nd  James D'Arcy, 8th Ian Petherbridge, 12th Andy Goodyer, 13th John Davies, Male 2hr - 1st Will Taylor, 10th Ollie Fenton, 15th Alex Taylor, 26th Stewart Crooks, Male Vets 2hr - 10th Harry Underhill and Ladies 1hr F
un - 1st Amanda D'Arcy well done to all.

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