Gorrick Enduro 100km - 2nd May 2010

Gorrick 100 - The wet and grinding one!

Should we stay or should we go. That was our dilemma outside the shop this morning. Grey skies and a damning forecast would be enough to put the off the hardier souls but with positive minds we headed north to Swinley Forest. 10 miles into the drive the rain started and got considerably heavier as we neared our destination.

Arriving we were a little slow to get out of the cars and as the 7 lap riders were lapping next to us their mud splattered faces and kit made us think again. We dithered for about 20 mins whilst looking at the lap times on the Timelaps screen at the finish line where a 1hr 20min lap was looking like the average. I(John Davies) having already entered (1st mistake) decided I  would ride, quickly followed by Andy and Emma, Alex wasn't too sure but signed up anyhow. So leaving it to the last moment the 4 of us hurried over to the start line with quite a diminished field 57 in the men’s and 6 in the ladies compared to 103 and 10 last year.

The 10 mile lap was great, some smooth singletrack, a few killer climbs and a only one poor section across an adverse camber which was all but unrideable. The lap was brutal on our trusted steeds though and by the start of the 2nd lap my brakes were all but shot after the last 10 miles of constant grinding (2nd mistake, always fit new brake pad before a Gorrick event).

So by the time I reached the Deer Stalker descent 3.5 miles into the lap I was down to the metal, as were nearly everybody else's
. After some nasty scares on the remaining downhills I decided that it was time to call it a day after finishing the lap. Alex had the same idea after a nasty fall and we half expected to see Andy and Emma at the finsh line. But no they are made of sturdier stuff (or had new pads on) and carried on. Emma winning the ladies and Andy coming 6th, respect to you both.

Quote from Emma:-  Thanks for your congrats, you might have been more sensible! 14 miles with no brakes! Went through pads and metal,couldn't feel fingers,blistered and bruised hands+damaged frame! Prize of silver platter, shorts and jersey nice though. Experience will be charater building I am told?

Andy also said that pushing downhill was a new experience for them both and he was only passed on the last lap by someone who had stopped and spent 15 mins changing his brake pads, a lesson to think about for future events.

                       Emma with her 1st place trophy Gorrick 4 Hour                 

Quote from Gorrick:-

There were many tales to tell with the overriding one being "my brake pads have worn away", rapidly followed up with "but what an excellent course, great fun and no need for mud tyres.



Sunday 25th April 2010. Goodwood Park Estate, Chichester.

A Clean Sweep for the Southdowns Masters.

Sunday 25th April saw the latest running of the Chichester Rotary run Goodwood Spring Challenge, held at the Goodwood Park Estate.

This year the proceeds were being donated to the very worthy, Sussex, Surrey and Kent Air Ambulance, based at Dunsfold Aerodrome in Surrey.

After the sunshine of the previous 7 days, Sunday dawned grey and rainy. A quick look at the breakfast weather forecast told us that by 11.00am, the sun would be out and we would be basking in 20°c+ heat. I’m not sure what happened in the rest of Sussex, but I can assure everyone that the temperature never reached above 14°c.

Team Southdowns Bikes arrived at the event sporting their new 2010 ream kit and in buoyant mood after their success in last year’s race, when they managed to take all the line honours in the Men’s Masters Race.

This year they again looked strong, despite the absence of team captain Marc Clothier from the start line, due to his recent leg injury at the Muc-off 8 hr enduro. This left 5 other members of the team on the start line for the race, headed by last year’s winner Steve Calland.

When the race got underway, the five Southdowns riders took position at the front of the race and were never headed, with Steve finishing 1st, Roger Smith 2nd, Simon MacNamara 3rd, Alex Davey 4th and Matt knight 5th. 

The master’s race was a prelude of what was to follow, as the Southdowns team were represented in all adult categories across the age range.

Ian Petherbridge won the Grand Veteran’s  race, James D’Arcy finished 2nd in the Veteran’s race, Emma Craddock finished 2nd  and Amanda D’Arcy 5th in the Women’s Masters and Max Filleul was a very classy winner of the Open/Sport class, with the fastest time of the day across all classes.

County Times article by Tim
Hi All :)
Is there any MTB ride from the shop tomorrow night (april 28th)



Well that was an over hyped event to say the least , could have been so good but there was a lot we would like to forget , mainly one of our own having such a horrible injury , which knocked the stuffing out of the 3 pairs we had entered ! Marc we are so so gutted for you !

James was the only plus really finishing in 2nd place in the male vets solo in a time of 8.41.01 and completing 9 laps and with Matt and I dropping to ninth in the pairs with Steve, Em and John retiring due to Marcs bad crash .

If we are to return next year , more Marshall's , more thought in the course , avoid the mud ! a better results breakdown , and better value please !

Another good ride by Billy Turrell and Stephen Turner completing 7 laps in 8.25.50

A comment by Oli Pepper of the Kinesis Morvelo Project sums it up.

It's amazing to see how everyone digs deep in races and that's why I love it so. Not just The KMP, but all riders. Giving it their best and finding that inner strength and resilience. It's times like this that I find it an honour to be called a cyclist.


A good shot from 2009 of some of the boys blasting out the starting blocks , to dominate the masters race with a 1 2 3 podium !
With most of the team and club there this year it should be a great day , lets hope the sun shines as normal for the day ! i seem to remember James did well last year but had a strange coloured shirt on , just glad he has got the green and black one this year , lets make Martin and Tim proud of us all !

Southern xc 2010 Wasing Estate , Hampshire

While we were having one hell of a day at Muc-Off 8 Ian was doing what he does best by continuing his impressive season by being on another podium position at a new venue for the southern xc , what with his domination of the Spring Gorricks by leading the series as well he is truly showing what a class act he is !
Well done mate and good luck this week at Gorrick Round 4 , Swinley Forest